Traveling by Bicycle Across America

Bar Harbor – I finished the ride.

Day 74 – Wednesday, August 8 – I completed the ride at the Bar Harbor pier. Five more riders finished with me. The thrill of achieving a major goal is amazing. I have many pictures and stories to share.


Over the Mountains


August 8 – Day 74: at the Pier in Bar Harbor, Maine


  1. Bonnie

    Wonderful, truly amazing, love the photos, just amazed to know someone who rode a bike all the way accross America, and that someone is my amazing Brother-in-law!
    Congrads, Congrads

  2. Marty

    I was amazed that you got the web site “BikeAcrossUSA”. To actually Bike Across USA is truly an extraordinary achievement. Very inspirational, and not just for bike riders. I can’t imagine the thrill you feel, but you certainly deserve it. I’m really looking forward to the pictures and the stories. Men with Bibles meet this Sat (8/11).

  3. Kay

    Congratulations on completing your ride! I’ve been following your blog as you biked across the country.

    Well done!!!!

  4. Thomas

    Well done. Congratulations.

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