We are in Omak, Washington tonight (Wednesday, May 30). This is about half way across Washington. Offical route milage so far 211.5. I have riden another 50 or 75 miles beyond that.
There was a lot of climbing yesterday and today. Tuesday was Rainy Pass, elevation 4855 feet and Washington Pass, elevation 5477 feet. Today was Loup Loup Pass, elevation 4020 feet. This is a lot of climbing for a flatlander. The Bianchi Volpe touring bicycle is heavier than my road bikes and I am using a handlebar bag that adds more weight. Translate this to slow climbing.
The grades have varied from more than 4% to 8.74% (I have a slope meter – the Garmin GPS units will measure this for you. My speed up hill has been from about 4mph to as much as 7mph. Today I had two long down hills, which were very short time wise. Coming down from Loup Loup was a 6% grade for 7 miles! Maxium speed is not impressive in the low 40s.
Grade for the curious is measured in percent – a 1 foot rise in 100 feet is 1%. Many of you are familiar with the football field – 100 yards, or 300 feet. The 8.74% grade for a football field lenght, rises 26.22 feet. Think of a three story house at the goal line.
I rode for a while with a fellow from Washington named Tim. He had a temperature function on his bike computer. It was 37 degrees F. at the peak of Washington Pass.
I have pictures on my phone. No cell service until two communities today – for three days. This has made logistics meeting Terry very difficult. You will probably read continual complaints about the lack of service with t-mobile.
Terry is taking a lot of pictures also. I will add pictures later.
I will add more later. The Nothern Cascades are beautiful. The have been called the American Alps. The route generally is following Washington highway 20.
His Wheels International
We at His Wheels are praying for you and Terry daily. Say hi to Terry for me.
Tony Hughes
Sounds like you’re off to a great start Shular. Miss you at Toastmasters!
I’m praying for you and Terry; pray (and pedal) without ceasing…
Tom Simeone
Hope everything is going great. I’ve been out riding too, but the scenery here is still the same. I wish you could post more often but i’m thinking that’s probably related to data coverage. You’re in my thoughts.
Hi Tom,
I want to post more also. I may take out some time at libraries. While the scenery has been spectaclar, it changes slowly at 5 to 12 mph.