This is the view from my tent this morning at Plaskett Creek Campground, looking out at the Pacific. I needed to take the tent down to finish packing, so there is less light than later in the morning. The day started with a climb, a descent with switchbacks and curves then a steep climb. After 15 miles the serious climbing was finished. I rode a little over 60 miles today. Another sunshiny day.
I stopped a few times to watch elephant seals today. These are large, but not as large as the full grown males.
I rode past the Hearst Castle this morning, stopping at the Hearst Beach for lunch. The views along the coast were great.
This beautiful old Ford was one of the cars I saw at lunch time. a car club had stopped for lunch creating an impromptu car show.
At Cayucos, a stopped to check my book for the route into Morro Bay. Mark pulled up on. Carbon fiber road bike, asking if I needed directions. I followed him in to Morrow Bay along some scenic and some nice residential areas. it kept me off of a busy section of Highway 1. He was near the end of a hundred mile ride for the day. Thanks Mark.
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